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Florida Justice Alliance. Inc

Founded by:  John F Curry Jr and Nancy E Morais

Get to know Nancy

Nancy was born in the small French town of Waterville, Maine. She was the second born of six children, and lived there until she was ten years old and relocated with her family to Waterbury, CT.  There she met and married her long time sweetheart Valmond "Val" Morais of New Brunswick Canada.

      In 1974 she, her husband, and small son Marc, moved to Florida where they still reside to date. Nancy became involved in the community through various community projects and is presently serving on the Civil Trial Board for Pinellas Park, Fl, for her second term.
     Nancy's goals have been, and continue to be to help those less fortunate, and she has reached out over the years to families throughout the state and now throughout the nation in hopes of making a difference.
     In 1993 she started a grass roots organization called "Friends," and reached out to the men and women incarcerated within the county jail. Soon the organization grew and reached out beyond the boundaries of the county and she advanced her organization to reaching out to those detained in Florida Prisons. This new venture reached out into many areas including legislative battles to protect human dignity of the incarcerated as well as protecting their civil rights.
     By 2004 Nancy had reached out to so many she was ministering to the needs of many as far as Washington and California. With growth, came much work and burden. During this year she worked with another organization and encouraged a merger. The merger came to pass just at the closing of the year. The newly formed organization adopted its new name "Florida Justice Alliance" at the suggestion of members, who felt the name was too long. She has set her goals for the near future in starting a transitional home for homeless and prisoners coming back into society.
     If you too are burdened to see this come to pass, please call and join our efforts, that together, by the grace of GOD we may prevail


Get to know John

John, born in New York City New York on September 1, 1962 to John F Curry III and Susan Kelly Curry. John attended military school up to and including his college years where he graduated from The University of Tampa in 1991. He continued on and obtained licenses in life, health, and property and casualty insurance.

He was later employed with the law office of Dennis M deVleming, P.A. and a number of other law firms in the Pinellas and Hillsborough County areas, specializing in Post-Conviction-Relief and Appellate Brief Writing.

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