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The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.


Search listings of attorneys registered with the state of Florida and their standings. 

The John Howard Association is a 100+ year old non-profit organization in Chicago/Illinois whose mission is to bring about fair and effective correctional programs that are responsive to the needs of both offenders and the general community.

SOhopeful International

SOhopeful International is an organization that strives to change the way Megan's Law and similar legislation mandates the registration, tracking and community notification of non-violent, low risk sex offenders. 
A Sex Offender news site you will want to keep up with

To provide news, information, legal and non-legal resources, a voice, and a focal point to unify Florida prisoner advocates, activists, prisoners and their families, friends and loved ones, while functioning as a check and balance on the prison system and its bureaucracy.

Jons Quill Ministries

I believe that the one true God is triune, in that He exists in three Persons who are one in Being, Purpose, and any other aspect that can be conceived. These three Persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. None of the three Persons lack anything in the quality of being fully God.


We are an advocate organization working for inmates and families.  Our support is in your membership and donations.  Inmate and family support shows the State Officials in Harrisburg that there is support backing up inmates to correct DOC and PBPP problems.

The Fortune Society

Staffed primarily by ex-prisoners, The Fortune Society is a not-for-profit community-based organization dedicated to educating the public about prisons, criminal justice issues, and the root causes of crime. We also help ex-prisoners and at-risk youth break the cycle of crime and incarceration through a broad range of services.
Dedicated To The Truth About The Detention Of Civilians Under Involuntary Civil Commitment Of Sexually Violent Predators Act


Devoted to supporting family networking, reintegration into society of offenders, and reporting legal updates to lawyers, family  and friends of those incarcerated.


was founded in 1972 by the American Civil Liberties Union and seeks to create constitutional conditions of confinement and strengthen prisoners’ rights through class action litigation and public education. The Project also publishes a quarterly journal, coordinates a nationwide network of litigators, conducts training and public education conferences, and provides expert advice and technical assistance to local community groups and lawyers throughout the country.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Joe Strahl and I was the founder and owner of Prison Life Magazine. I started Prison Life in 1992.  I am looking for writers and photographers in and out of prison to help me to put up a great prison e-zine. TM is the U.S. government's official web portal:
  Federal Citizen Information Center
  Office of Citizen Services and Communications, U.S. General Services Administration
  1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20405
  Have any questions about the federal government? E-mail FirstGov or call 1-800-FED-INFO (1-800-333-4636)


Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.

Offender Aid & Restoration

OAR is the leading provider of offender services in Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church, Virginia
Local prosecutors in many of the 2,341 jurisdictions across the nation have stretched, bent or broken rules to win convictions.
"The sentiment that the Florida Civil Commitment Center is a safe and secure Treatment Facility that is operated as a professional Mental Health Facility could not be further from the truth. "


is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.
The FBI's Crimes Against Children Unit coordinates the development and implementation of the National Sex Offenders Registry (NSOR).


 is the source for progressive and radical information on prisons and the criminal prosecution system


is a monthly journal edited by Washington State prisoner Paul Wright that covers prison-related news and analysis from across the country and around the world. It's focus is on prison struggle in all arenas.


is a non-profit organization working to free wholly innocent men and women convicted of crimes they did not commit, and to prevent wrongful convictions by educating the public regarding the vulnerabilities in the U. S. criminal justice system that make these miscarriages possible.


Founded in 1998, the Center for Individual Freedom is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.


is an award-wining website which provides information and tools to low-income people on issues like money, jobs, school, health, family and housing in both English and Spanish. It's an extremely valuable resource for the constituents of Fortune Society, written at a 6th grade level, the Beehive is very easy to navigate and contains over 500 pages of information.


is the only independent, nationally distributed newspaper that goes out to more than 70,000 readers in the child and youth services field.


(which means "no crime") is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to criminal rehabilitation and the prevention of criminality by educating individuals and helping them restore their self-respect so they can become ethical and productive members of society.


provides services, resources and information to families of offenders, provides information to members, state officials, the general public and the media concerning the impact the criminal justice system has upon the family members of offenders, helps remove the stigma associated with being family members of offenders through education programs and other support, and assists in the reintegration of family relations when the offender is released.
Stop It Now! is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief and experience that we as individuals and as a society can challenge and change the way we act.
PTO's goal is to bridge the communication barrier that exists in and around the criminal "justice" system today and bring everyone in the prisoner support community closer together to effect change in policy, prisoner rights, sentencing and so much more

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